eNFE (Electronic Non Formal Education)
The ENFE provides access to multiple resources available in the field of Non-Formal Education (NFE) in Pakistan. Federal and provincial Literacy & NFE directorates and departments jointly with development partners such as JICA, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNESCO, USAID, ILO, World Bank, DfID, Islamic Development Bank, and other national and international partners have made some tangible developments in recent past and have designed and offered Accelerated Learning Programmes (ALPs) and Integrated Literacy Programmes for out of school children, low-literate youth and adults. In this process, curricula, learning materials, training system, data management system, M&E mechanism, social mobilization system and assessment & certification system have been developed and approved documents are available. These are excellent resources in the field of NFE. In addition, NFE Policies and Strategic Plans along with some good pieces of research have also been developed and that the similar work will continue to be done in future as well.
The said resource application will provide access to other national and international resource materials and web sources to increase the knowledge bank in NFE sub-sector and provide opportunities for professional development in this field.
The application will also provide options to share and upload any effort or initiative that will add value to the existing bank of knowledge in this sub-sector.
Therefore, we encourage the users to learn from these sources and contribute in building these sources as well to strengthen the field of non-Formal education in Pakistan.